Tree tattoos have always been alluring for both men and women alike; especially for women. Certain ancient trees are supposed to be mythical and people who know the significance of this love to sport these tattoos; and they look enchanting too. It has been observed over the years that lone trees; signify solitude and contentment. In, other words tree tattoo designs are worth reckoning. People, who wear such tattoos, say without spoken words that are nature lovers and such people are required by Mother Nature today. Man has played havoc with nature; and sporting a tree tattoo speaks volumes about a person.Some trees are so ancient that they have seen the changing face of nature for years and that is why the tattoos inscribed of them they are called tree of life tattoos. Without spoken words; these tree tattoos tell a lot about the history of the past ages. As, it is women are the gentler sex; and if they adorn tree tattoos, then it enhances their feminism. Though, they look good on men too, however at times they portray that these men love to live amongst on most occasions; the world over women prefer the oak tree tattoo; as it signifies the longevity of life. It is a well known fact that the oak tree is sturdy and has a very long life span; about 500 years.Females of every age can sport tree tattoos, though, the designs may differ from age to age. Women who are worldly wise may depict a tattoo of a landscape; and the significance of it can be best understood by an onlooker. Men on the other hand may sport a gnarled tree, to depict that they have seen some bad days in their life. On the whole tree tattoos depict a lot and it is an onlooker’s surmise to judge.